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My 'Leak TL12.1' DIY project!
By Richard
Dear DIY Fans
I was attracted by the good fame and unique outlook of Leak TL12.1.
But the
price in eBay is simply prohibitive. So there came the idea of
DIY a pair of TL12.1s.
This idea came to me a few months ago. I started the parts
There seems to be no problem at all finding the valves/tubes except the ECC32.
From the sub. manual I found 6J7, EF37A, etc.
substitute EF36 and I have quite some GEC KT66s in my drawer.
However, it is almost impossible to find good quality TCC
coupling caps and the original transformers.
Eventually I come up with the idea to fine high quality transformers from vintage gears using EL37s or 6L6s.
Other parts I use the high quality 'budget' sorts.
I didn't buy the 'close substitute' Jansen caps simply because are too expensive
and it is
not worthwhile to invest at the first day of my DIY project
(which could turn out a failure).
I am happy that this project was completed the first phase and is
singing beautifully.
See the pictures that I uploaded to this eGroup to share my joy:
Finished chassis
Circuit boards
Circuit boards - back
Inside arrangements
OPTs & PSTs from HH Scott 99Ds
Designing for chassis
Beautiful Dual monoblock
HALF like original TL12_1
In the first couple of hours of listening, we (more than 6 to audition this amp),
the sound appeared a bit raw and clipping was sometimes found from my Rogers 15 Ohm speakers.
I realised that the amp was perhaps too sensitive and needed reducing. After some work,
the sound was back to normal. It sounded really nice and warm - detailed and musical.
But I would never know by myself how close its sounding is to the original TL12.1s without an A-B comparison.
Meanwhile, do you have any advice for me on my project?
If anyone of you have the Leaks transformers for sale, please let me know.
If you have any advice for me, I would be most grateful.
Please visit the
"HJ Leak" Yahoo! Group at
send me an e-mail: rcwy@hotmail.com