Visited Violalabs Today!!!!!
Photo / Text By James
2004 Feb 14
Now I know - whats Hi-Fi, and who will be my dream girl
, but I have to
¡@I am at Eliteclub of Minneappolis St. Paul, I have two hours for rest then back Shanghai via Tokyo.
I applied for a temporarily Wireless Internet Explorer, now try to post several photo first.
New Haven - Violalabs location, an hour far from New York, and I drove from Boston, so, it took me about two hours and 10 minutes.
I rent a Chrysler Pacific 4WD with GPS system, a good car.
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I input Viola address, GPS tooks about 15 seconds and said:"Please proceed". ¡@
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To Viola! I made photo by holding a DC in my right hand, and drove by my left hand...... ¡@
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This is the building where Violalabs locates in, very similar to those buildings in Shanghai or Suzhou.
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Finally, I arrive at Violalabs Gate!, liek arrive at Ventigan Roma together with Linda three weeks ago. ¡@
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Paul Jayson was waiting for me, even he was always very busy.
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Wwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, my God, two big transformers!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Please be careful, it is strong!" Paul said
while he saw that I put my mobile onto Transformer for making a comparison, he warned me. ¡@
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Paul brought me to his Show Room, you will see, it exactly looks like a workshop.
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These are CD Player and D/A transfer, a brand of DCS! Sorry for my bad photo skill.
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This is Codenza, a pre-amp!
Paul said:"It is much value added if you only have one listening room and would like more function"
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This is another end of this Show Room. Paul did a little sound absorb treatment at window side.
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Connnection at Codenza's back. Paul said the cable between CD Player is Silver,
and another cable between Pre-Amp and Power Amp is OFC.
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You see - Paul use Bi-Wire to connect Bravo and Loudspeakers.
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Loudspeaker, Aa ribbon trebal , a dome mid plus a Carbon mid, all three speakers are in one up box with a crossover board.
Aand there are two 12" Carbon speakers in lower box. You could connect to woofer,
then connect the output terminal of Woofer to up box. "All terminal connectors are WBT" Paul said. ¡@
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once asked Paul why he use Bi-Wire for connecting Power Amp to Speakers
and if he recommends customers to use Bi-Wire for Viola,
Paul said:"Suggest to connect one cable to speaker, of cause, if you have good enough cable, then, Bi - wire is better."
Paul asked me if I brought any CDs for enjoyment, I said:" No,please select some of your favor for me." "Okay" Paul said,
and pick up three CDs.
When the " Soul Trane" came out from speakers, I was moved.....whenGARY karr plays out, I was shocked!
This is what I am searching for, I cann't describ what's the treble, bass, or even sound field, no, they are just music, they are LIFE!
You could not only feel them,but could touch them. It is a little warm and high density.
You will be easy to falling into enjoyment without tired. It stirred my pulse,
I was hardly to control myself not to take it as mines,
Wooooooooooow, it is great!
I went close to Aamp and have a look....This is the Power Amp.
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This is rearview to Power Amp
When I asked Paul why use many SMT for Viola, not like Cello almost
are individual components, he showed me a PWBA and said:"It will
takes a much big space if use entire individual components for this
PWBA onnly, it will be such big one...." he extended his arms and
show me how big it will be - maybe a cubic meter..
I saw total 13 transistors on the heat sinking plate, so maybe Bravo
uses 20 amp transistors? "No" Paul said:" total 40 transistors for
power output, as there are four lines transistors inside."
# Bravo could be switched into three output model: Mono, Parallel
and bridge
The volume contrl Cadenza uses is also SMT, sorry for my very bad
photo skill, Topgun hing, I have to learn more from you.
" Does Bravo have two transformers?" I asked. " No, only one" Paul
said:" This is a CHOKE." Paul explained:" WOnce Power Aamp need to
output a peak sound level, it will fail to do so without a choke,
even you put a lot of capacitors. Only the capacitor combine with a
choke, the power supply can provide a stable output to power amp."
Yes, the choke is big.....
Paul also show me a power amp which is put on floor befind stand. "
Symphony", he said:"200W for each chanel and could be bridged to 800
watt output." So, it is bravo's brother! We have more choice.
"It looks like Kurson" I tolk to myself in my heart.
A topview onto Bravo.
When I told Paul:" Every Chinese know Tom and you are two giant in
Audio industry." Paul answered :" I am not, Tom is...." and he was
happy to be ready for my shut.
I am lucky - Mr. Robert D. Wan, Managing Director of Forthwise LTD,
was in Viola that day. I was introduced to him by Paul, and Mr. Wan
invites me to go to HK, then he would like to arrange a demo for me.
Of cause, this is very attractive idea as Forthwise is the agent of
Viola, Goldmund, Nagra, Cary, B&K, DCS, Energy, Thorens, even Red
Rose...... No doubt, I could have a good opportunity to experiencing
these Hi-Fi gears by myself at the same time. Or I would like to say
it is a must if I would like to buy a set of Viola.
Before I leaving, Mr.Wan made a photo for Paul and me, of cause, I
could not post it here, as I am too small potato and looks ugly.....
Okay, now say bye bye to Paul and Robert, re-setting route by GPS,
back towards Boston....
It became dark...
much dark....
Real dark with Mcdonald logo ahead...
GPS indicates that I will arrive at Sheraton by driving half more
miles and 3 minutes, it is not too bad, but when the Hi-End gears
can be shipped to my home?????
I need to think about how far I could kill my wallet
Just got the US retail price from Forthwise:
Spirito Reference Pre Amp: US$35,000
Bravo Reference Power Amp: US$29,800
Cadenza Pre Amp: US$16,000
Symphony Power Amp: US$16,000
Just received E-mailed photos from Paul, beautiful!